'17 Contest
Global Scinece Link
Oral Session
Best Presentation Award
Bansud National High School-Mimaropa Regional Science High School(フィリピン)
「Analysis of the Functional Properties and Proximate Composition of Banana Exocarp as a Primary Constituent of Flour-Based Food Products: A Promising Response in Bridging Hunger Gap」
Futuristic Award
Bangkok Christian College (タイ)
「Indicating Changes to Mud Condition in Mangrove Forest from Coastal Erosion Due to Climate Change by Utilizing Mudskipper's Prototype」
Innovation Award
東京大学教育学部附属中等教育学校(日本) 加賀 三鈴
「Stomatal Responses of Immobile Plants」
Poster Session
1st Prize
Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Buriram(タイ)
「The Study of Finding the Number of Squares which are in a Rectangle」
2nd Prize
国立米子工業高等専門学校(日本) 菅野 由稀、川本 拓実
「Investigation and Development of a New Solid Polymer Electrolyte Using Natural Egg Shell Membrane for Fuel Cell Devices」
3rd Prize
Bansud National High School-Mimaropa Regional Science High School(フィリピン)
「Green Reinforced Composites based on Agricultural waste by-Products Lignocellulosic Plant Fibers (LPF) for Concrete Masonry Blocks (CMB)」
Global Issue Link
Oral Session
Best Presentation Award
秋田県立秋田南高等学校(日本) 南條 佑佳、荒木関 輝、小林 涼花、佐々木 彩乃
「The Potential of Food Education to Solve the Obesity Problem」
Special Award
Summit Education Vietnam(ベトナム) (High School for Gifted Student, Hanoi National University of Education, Phan Dinh Phung High School, Foreign Language Specialized School, British International School Hanoi)
「Survey on Hanoi residents' habit of using antibiotics and awareness of anti-biotic resistance」
Poster Session
1st Prize
横浜市立横浜サイエンスフロンティア高等学校(日本) 加藤 大輔
「A Study of the Employment System in Japan at Globalization」
2nd Prize
札幌日本大学高等学校(日本) 尾先 由崇、石井 飛鳥、千葉 武史、荒井 優奈
「Proposal for establishing a new department in UNESCO」
3rd Prize
Hanoi Amsterdam High School for the Gifted(ベトナム)
「Child Sexual Abuse」